We deal with programming of PLC control systems, SCADA, custom applications and servo drives.

We offer:

  • Creation of a customized program for a given application.
  • Implementation of the program into hardware.
  • Commissioning and setup at the customer’s site
  • Operator manuals and operator training
  • Setup of frequency converters and servo drives

We execute orders with the following products:

Our prerequisites:

  • We have practical experience in a wide range of technologies (food, construction, medical, machinery, process units, heat sources, etc.) – see References section.
  • We are in contact with suppliers who continuously train us, so we are able to propose modern and optimal solutions.
  • We base our programming on the requirements of the engineer or technologist, project documentation, personal inspection, practical experience, or according to the customer’s wishes and requirements.
  • The design and development of software is subject to the ČSN EN ISO 9001 quality system.

Dispatcher workstation visualization previews